Arkadenkultur #47: Harry Ahamer & Friends
Arkadenkultur offers every Sunday evening high-quality music and literature by local artists above the rooftops of Salzburg at the m32 restaurant on Mönchsberg.
Arkadenkultur offers high-quality music and literature by local artists for your enjoyment. In its fourth year now, Arkadenkultur will take place at a new venue. Every Sunday evening, you can unwind the weekend with live music and literature above the rooftops of Salzburg at the m32 restaurant on Mönchsberg.
Arkadenkultur #47: Harry Ahamer & Friends
Admission is free, but donations are welcome to support local art and culture.
The M32 restaurant will provide a special menu for Arkadenkultur guests. Reservation is absolutely necessary: by phone at +43 662 84 10 00 or Website or E-Mail
More information about ARKADENKULTUR and the 2023 program you find on the Website
Contact & Arrival
Am Mönchsberg 32
Sun 18:00-20:00