Trailrunning Festival in der Altstadt Salzburg | © Sportograf Trailrunning Festival in der Altstadt Salzburg | © Sportograf
© Sportograf
Cityflair & Mountainair
11/10 - 13/10/2024 · Kapitelplatz
Friday - Sunday

Trailrunning Festival

From October 20-22, 2023, the 12th Salzburg Trailrunning Festival will take place.

Under the motto "Cityflair & Mountainair" the 12th Salzburg Trailrunning Festival will take place from October 20 to 22, 2023.

And we promise, you have never seen Salzburg like this before. On this weekend you can experience the Mozart city Salzburg from a completely new perspective. Whether along the Salzach, over spiral staircases and narrow alleys to the Hohensalzburg Fortress or over steep climbs to Salzburg's local mountain; varied trails, a unique backdrop and a fantastically beautiful panorama will quickly make the effort a secondary matter. Join the 12th Salzburg Trailrunning Festival and see for yourself!

The large selection of competitions offers the right distance for every ability level. Especially attractive are of course our multi-day competitions; the Trail Amadeus is a pursuit race over 2 days and at the Trail Marathon you can complete a marathon divided into 3 days. Have we aroused your interest: then register quickly at

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