Bösendorfersaal | © Universtität Mozarteum, Anna Hofmüller Bösendorfersaal | © Universtität Mozarteum, Anna Hofmüller
© Universtität Mozarteum, Anna Hofmüller


The Bösendorfer Hall is located, along with other event rooms, in the main building of the Mozarteum University on Mirabellplatz.

The Bösendorfer Hall is located, along with other event rooms, in the main building of the Mozarteum University on Mirabellplatz, which was re-opened in 2006 and designed by architect Robertrechner.  The Bösendorfer Hall was designed as a study concert hall with 75 seats and grandstand-like seating, which is regularly used by the university's approximately 2,000 students. Over 700 public events every year - from concerts to operas and theater to exhibitions and performances - make the Mozarteum University a lively cultural institution.


The Bösendorfer Hall is not barrier-free!


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