Duo Schaerer Kalima | © GregorHohenberg Duo Schaerer Kalima | © GregorHohenberg
© GregorHohenberg
Duo Schaerer Kalima
21 October 2023 · 17:00 - 18:00 · Salzburger Marionettentheater

Duo Schaerer Kalima

Already successful together with the quartet A Novel of Anomaly, the unique Swiss vocal acrobat Andreas Schaerer and equally unconventional Finnish guitarist Kalle Kalima are now performing as a duo. Their forthcoming album “Evolution” – a first for both – is a real song album. Schaerer is here, more than ever before, a singer who uses his typical vocal escapades more sparingly than previously whilst Kalima is fully in the role of supporting the statement. The distinctive signatures of both remain and are reflected not least in the texts which partly examine very personal, intimate thoughts and experiences. And this in a more musically complex way than one would imagine of the fluid and catchy nature of their pieces.  
