Medna Roso | © Cologne Jazzweek Medna Roso | © Cologne Jazzweek
© Cologne Jazzweek
Medna Roso
19 October 2023 · 21:00 - 22:00 · Kollegienkirche

Medna Roso

“Medno Roso” is further magnificent proof of the unifying power of the world language that is music. In the project of the same name – and their debut album – the female a cappella vocal quintet PJEV from Zagreb comes together with British pianist and organist Kit Downes and New Zealand saxophonist Hayden Chisholm. Here enchanting vocals and traditional Balkan folk music songs meet upon Hammond grooves and microtonal rapid saxophone passages complemented by the Shruti Box, analogue synthesizer throat singing. A chance encounter between Jovana Lukić, the director of PJEV, and Chisholm in a Kafana, a traditional Serbian restaurant, in Belgrade, led to a new and unique musical meeting of cultures. The performance in Salzburg is only their second joint concert.
