Shingo Knob | © pressPicM Shingo Knob | © pressPicM
© pressPicM
Shingo Knob
20 October 2023 · 20:00 - 21:00 · Toihaus Theater

Shingo Knob

Swiss song artist Andreas Schaerer likes to experiment not only with his voice but also likes to venture very differing musical constellations – from the trumpet-guitar trio with Martin Eberle and Peter Rom to mixed quartets (including with Michael Wollny and the Arte saxophone quartet) and the successful septet Hildegard lernt fliegen to the symphonic project The Big Wig. However, Schärer appears to enter the most direct and intimate musical dialogue in duets: for example, with the drummer Lukas Niggli and his female counterpart in vocal artistry Leila Martial. At Jazz & The City he will present the international premiere of a Bernese “home game” with multi-instrumentalist Lea Heimann.
