Sinularia | © Sanni Lötzsch Sinularia | © Sanni Lötzsch
© Sanni Lötzsch
20 October 2023 · 22:00 - 23:00 · Toihaus Theater


The young Berlin trio Sinularia claims to have created its own genre: "Subwater Beats". Which means first and foremost their concept of combining music with visuals. Thus, guitarist Jo Wespel, bassist Felix Henkelhausen and drummer Max Santer wear specially designed fluorescent jumpsuits, which together with corals glowing in black light create an underwater world at concerts. Musically, the combination of dragged, so to speak washed-out rhythms with floating melodies and chords from electronic, especially "Intelligent Dance Music" is added. Inspired by bands like Flying Lotus or Aphex Twin, but thanks to the virtuosity of the three kept wide open for jazz improvisation.

