Keine Übung | © Dovile Sermokas Keine Übung | © Dovile Sermokas
© Dovile Sermokas
Keine Übung
21 October 2023 · 20:30 - 21:30 ·

Keine Übung

Jan Frisch from Zeitz, Saxony, probably best known as the guitarist of the Alin Coen Band, introduces as a guitarist and singer his own band Keine Übung in Salzburg. The surprising, refreshing motto of the quartet which also features Julian Pajzs on the second guitar, Hannes Hüfken on bass and Oliver Steidle on the drums is exactly like the title of the debut album: “Singer-Songwriter zu Pflugscharen” (Singer-songwriter into ploughshares). The music and texts of the four which are defined by the principle of interruptions examine everything and important topics with titles such as “Würde es Ihnen etwas ausmachen draußen weiterzutelefonieren” (“Would you mind continuing your phone conversation outside”) or “Am Ende bin ich auch nur eine Agentur und muss schauen ob das für mich Sinn macht” (“At the end of the day I’m also only an agency and must see whether this makes sense for me”). The result: a jazz “boost” treatment for the songwriter genre.